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Publications 2010
Thématique mobilité
Desroches G, Dumas R, Pradon D, Vaslin P, Lepoutre F, Chèze L. Upper limb joint dynamics during manual wheelchair propulsion. Clinical Biomechanics. 2010. IF1.759
Desroches G, Dumas R, Pradon D, Cheze L. Indice d’inconfort basé sur les efforts articulaires au poignet, au coude et à l’épaule lors de la propulsion manuelle en fauteuil roulant : Étude de cas. Revue STH. 2010 4(1) : 89-108.NA
Genêt F, Schnitzler A, Mathieu S, Autret K, Théfenne L, Dizien O, et al. Orthotic devices and gait in polio patients. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;53(1):51-9.IF 2.184
Pradon D, Pinsault N, Zory R, Routhier F. Could mobility performance measures be used to evaluate wheelchair skills?. J Rehabil Med, preview, 2012
Le Fauteuil Roulant Manuel : Choix et Réglages. Sous la direction de Lepoutre FX. Sauramps Médical. ISBN : 978-2-840237471. 2011 290pp
Pellegrini N, Bouche S, Barbot F, Pharm D M. Comparative evaluation of electric wheelchair manoeuvrability. J Rehabil Med. 2010;42:605-7.IF 1.882
Bensmail D, Robertson J, Fermanian C, Roby-Brami A. Botulinum toxin to treat upper-limb spasticity in hemiparetic patients: grasp strategies and kinematics of reach-to-grasp movements. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2010;24(2):141.IF 5.398
Bensmail D, Sarfeld AS, Fink GR, Nowak DA. Intermanual transfer of sensorimotor memory for grip force when lifting objects: the role of wrist angulation. Clin Neurophysiol. 2010 Mar;121(3):402-7. IF3.122
Grise P, Ruffion A, Denys P, Egon G, Chartier Kastler E. Efficacy and Tolerability of Botulinum Toxin Type A in Patients with Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity and Without Concomitant Anticholinergic Therapy: Comparison of Two Doses. Eur Urol. 2010 Jul 3. IF7.667
Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Gracies JM, Bussel B, Roche N. Lower limb coordination in hemiparetic subjects: impact of botulinum toxin injections into rectus femoris. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2010 Jun;24(5):442-9. Epub 2010 Mar 16. IF 5.398
Hutin E, Pradon D, Barbier F, Gracies JM, Bussel B, Roche N. Lower limb coordination patterns in hemiparetic gait: Factors of knee flexion impairment. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2010 Nov 11. IF 1.759
Mokhtari S, Hugeron C, Thibaut JB, Le Breton C, Mompoint D, Vallée C, Carlier R. [Spasticity: clinical and imaging features.]. J Radiol. 2010 Dec;91(12-C2):1387-1397. French. IF 1.054
Thématique communication
Prigent H, Garguilo M, Pascal S, Pouplin S, Bouteille J, Lejaille M, Orlikowski D, Lofaso F. Speech effects of a speaking valve versus external PEEP in tracheostomized ventilator-dependent neuromuscular patients. Intensive care medicine. 2010:1-7.IF 5.168
Thématique respiration
Prigent H, Roche N, Laffont I, Lejaille M, Falaize L, Barbot F, et al. Relation between corset use and lung function postural variation in spinal cord injury. European Respiratory Journal. 2010;35(5):1126. IF 5.527
Louis B, Leroux K, Boucherie M, Isabey D, Grillier-Lanoir V, Fauroux B, Lofaso F. , Pressure stability with CPAP devices: A bench evaluation. Sleep Medicine. 2010;11(1):96-9. IF 3.699
Terzi N, Pelieu I, Guittet L, Ramakers M, Seguin A, Daubin C, Charbonneau P, du Cheyron D, Lofaso F. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in patients recovering spontaneous breathing after acute respiratory distress syndrome: Physiological evaluation*. Critical care medicine. 2010;38(9):1830 IF 6.373
Terzi N, Prigent H, Lejaille M, Falaize L, Annane D, Orlikowski D, et al. Impact of tracheostomy on swallowing performance in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Neuromuscul Disord. 2010;20(8):493-8. IF3,000
Louis B, Leroux K, Isabey D, Fauroux B, Lofaso F. Effect of manufacturer-inserted mask leaks on ventilator performance. European Respiratory Journal. 2010;35(3):627. IF 5.527
Fauroux B, Leroux K, Pépin J, Lofaso F, Louis B. Are home ventilators able to guarantee a minimal tidal volume? Intensive care medicine. 2010;36(6):1008-14.IF 5.168
Terzi N, Pelieu I, Guittet L, Ramakers M, Seguin A, Daubin C, Charbonneau P, du Cheyron D, Lofaso F. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in patients recovering spontaneous breathing after acute respiratory distress syndrome: physiological evaluation. Crit Care Med. 2010 Sep;38(9):1830-7.IF 6.373